It's Time to Make A "Don't List"

How much do you value your time? Are you wasting time on tasks and commitments that you dread?

Most of us do, but it’s time for that trend to stop. We get bogged down by our to-do’s, but what if we flipped the script and instead of creating a to-do list, we created a “don’t list.” Think about it. How freeing would it be to take some of those i-just-hate-this-but-feel-i-have-to items off of your list? Think realistically about what matters in the scope of your life and your business.

If something is not a “HELL YES” it should be a complete no. Or at least a “no, thank you.”

No more second guessing this process. Go with your gut. You have those feelings for a reason; let’s time to listen to them.

Sketchy potential client call? Thank you, next.
The perfect design client + a nice payday? HELL YES
Taking a speaking gig 3 states away from your kiddos? Maybe not.
Being a guest on a podcast from your home office? HELL YES

You get the point. The more you say no to the not so great options coming your way, you leave room for a bigger yes that is bound to happen. Life is too short to do stuff that we don’t love. Plus, if you are an entrepreneur, you have worked too hard not to do the work you enjoy. You’ve hustled enough.

So let’s put this challenge into practice. Download your own Don’t List and write down ten things you are going to say no to or not waste your time with. Post this up next to your desk or in your closet. Remind yourself daily of the things you are going to say no to. Leave room for those hell yes’s. Get your downloadable HERE!

June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.



Setting Boundaries with Clients