How to bring your brand to life online


A brand’s online presence is a huge component of sharing your business with the world! How you position your brand online is how you are going to attract your dream clients. During my recent webinar with Devan Danielle from, we shared everything you need to know about branding your business online. From those client buzzwords to your brand’s overall personality, we talked about it all!


Want to watch the full webinar replay? Click here for access to the full video! Here's a little preview of the topics we covered below: 

What You Do vs. Your Title

While your job title with your business can say a lot about what you do, it might not communicate the whole picture. Make sure to use terminology that potential clients will understand. Someone might end up turning away from your business because they get confused about what you are offering. Hone in on your expertise. While you may do a variety of things, having an overall topic or umbrella of services/products helps with clarification as well. This also sets you up as an expert on the topic, leading to referrals and increased recognition. At the end of the day, just be clear about your business along with incorporating yourself into your brand.

Brand Values + Buzzwords

So what is the purpose behind what you do? Not too sure? The definition of your business values can be a gamechanger. Your brand values act as a compass for your business. Decisions, marketing campaigns, client work and more will be clarified thanks to your brand values. Figure out what you value most as a business owner and brainstorm what your ideal client values most as well. Where the two lineup is where you need to be to attract those dream clients. This is where the money is!

Another way to connect with your dream clients is by utilizing your business buzzwords. These are the terms they are searching for on Pinterest, Google, through Instagram hashtags and more. Use these buzzwords on your social media platforms, within your website, newsletters, etc. to increase your connection with these terms for potential clients.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We covered this and so much more in our webinar! Make sure to watch the full replay for all of tips and tricks we shared! We want to help you bring your brand to life online!

Have questions? Shoot me a DM on Instagram!


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