Mama Feature ▴ Kim Wensel

I am so excited to introduce a brand new blog series to my website - Mama Features. This section of my blog content is focused on sharing the stories and life advice from fellow mama biz owners. For this first feature, we are chatting with Kim Wensel. Kim is the CEO of Pattern of Purpose. Her business focuses on brand strategy, copywriting and customer research for other entrepreneurs. Not only does Kim kick ass at work, she is a mama to two little ones. Read more about her story below!

Tell me a little about your business

I'm a brand strategist and storyteller for entrepreneurs and locally-owned small business who want to attract more clients online. I help them understand what really sets their business apart and create messaging that transforms website lurkers into paying customers.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received about starting, owning, and/or thriving as a small business owner?

There's no such thing as paying your dues in entrepreneurship. You get to run your business the way you want to NOW! You don't have to wait until you've left your day job or until you make your first hire. You should always be operating your business in a way that feels good -- from the services you offer to the type of marketing that you pursue. The positive energy you get from doing things in a way that feels good is going to flow into everything else, especially how clients feel about working with you.

How do you blend motherhood and building a business?

The first, and perhaps most important thing for me, has been paying for reliable daycare and preschool. Waking up each day knowing my kids will be cared for, will learn, and will be challenged is something I am so grateful for. It has allowed me to focus on my work in a way I couldn't do any other way. I also am at peace with sometimes working in the evenings or weekends, so long as that doesn't become the norm or expectation. When I do that I also make sure my husband takes time in the week for himself.

It's really easy to let your relationship slide down the list of priorities when you're juggling business and babies, so we've made a pact recently to schedule regular date nights and designate shows we watch together, so we're investing in our marriage as much as we invest in our careers and kids.

What has surprised you most about motherhood?

I'm really good at work. I've found that's because I can control most outcomes if I just dedicate more time or work harder. With motherhood, that's not necessarily the case. There are so many things out of your control and allowing yourself to let go of some of your expectations is going to mean the difference between enjoying the ride and stressing out over the same thing day in and day out. Patience, grace, and humility are all things my kids have taught me, especially as they've stopped me in my tracks reflecting the things I say and do!

What's your morning routine?

Becoming a mom has turned me into a morning person, not by choice! Our day typically begins around 6:00am and the kids are out the door by 7:30. I'm most productive before 10:00am, so I front load my writing tasks while drinking my daily two cups of coffee - black. I rarely schedule meetings before then, which means I can fully focus on getting the most important thing on my to-do list done before the day takes over.

How do you define balance?

I don't think about balance so much in the grand scheme of things, but rather in the course of days and weeks. If I want to get something done I put it in my calendar. And when I'm planning I *try* to keep those things during the time my kids are at school. It's not perfect but it helps me see, at a glance, where I'm prioritizing my time and how I might need to adjust once the evening or weekend rolls around. 

When life gets crazy and balance is not possible, what core values do you hold on to?

This question is tough! Morning time, meal times, and bedtimes are devoted to family. No matter what I have going on, we spend that time together, which I think gives my kids comfort knowing I'm physically and mentally present even when we may have a thousand things going on. 

If you could take a look at the future, what do you see for not only yourself personally, but also for your business?

I value personal connection and travel in my personal life and hope I can lean into these as much as possible with my business. I like to work closely with my clients, which has mostly been done through screen time in my business so far. I'd love to work with more businesses in person through deep engagements.

I see myself in five or ten years bringing my daughter along with me on these business trips, heightening her appreciation for our beautiful world and instilling a sense of confidence to pursue her career ambitions, no matter what they may be.

3 Pearls of wisdom you can share about motherhood, business or blending it together?

  1. Appreciate the things about where you are in business right now while still holding space for where you want to be in the future.

  2. You can plan for almost everything if you plan ahead.

  3. It doesn't have to be hard for you in order for it to be valuable to someone else.

Be sure to follow Kim on Instagram to keep up
with her biz happenings and mama moments!


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